International Day of Friendship

Our world faces many challenges, crises and forces of division — such as poverty, violence, and human rights abuses — among many others — that undermine peace, security, development and social harmony among the world's peoples. To confront those crises and challenges, their root causes must be addressed by promoting and defending a shared spirit […]

Samata Yoga’s Kirtan program

Virginia Todd Community Centre 9-15 Clarence Street, Geelong West, Victoria

Kirtan (led by Swami Durgananda, the head of Samata Yoga) is held on the first Sunday of each month. It is free and open to all. We start with meditation (12:15pm-12:45pm) followed by chanting and short discourse from 1pm-3pm.


Bipolar Life support groups

Geelong Library Level 2, 51 Little Malop St, Geelong

Our Bipolar Life support groups are effective ways to offer assistance to people dealing with a variety of bipolar disorder concerns. Bipolar support groups provide a confidential environment free of scrutiny and judgement. We believe everyone has information and knowledge to share, which can be a coping skill, a success story, or a new type […]

Wear it Purple Day

Wear It Purple strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people. OUR FOUR KEY FOCUS AREAS Awareness – We provide support and resources for Schools, Universities, Gender & Sexuality Alliances (GSA’s) and Youth Organisations to assist them in creating inclusive experiences for rainbow young people. We act as a source […]


Forest Therapy Walks in Geelong Botanic Gardens

Geelong Botanic Gardens Garden Street, East Geelong, Victoria, Australia

You are invited to a FREE guided "Shinrin Yoku" Forest Therapy walk through the beautiful Geelong Botanic Gardens. What is Forest Therapy? The practice translates literally from Japanese "Shinrin Yoku" as "Forest Bathing" - immersing ourselves in the atmosphere of the forest. "Forest Therapy" is now considered nature's remedy to stress and a pathway to […]


Samata Yoga’s Kirtan program – cancelled

Virginia Todd Community Centre 9-15 Clarence Street, Geelong West, Victoria

PLEASE NOTE: Because of the current Covid restrictions this event will be cancelled for the rest of the year. Kirtan (led by Swami Durgananda, the head of Samata Yoga) is held on the first Sunday of each month. It is free and open to all. We start with meditation (12:15pm-12:45pm) followed by chanting and short […]

Women’s Health Week

Good health is powerful! So this September, Women’s Health Week will be a great reminder to set aside time for your health and wellbeing. Make an appointment for a health check, get active, and connect with family and friends. Good health starts with you. What's involved? Women's Health Week is a nation-wide campaign of events and online activities – all centred on […]

R U OK? Day

R U OK?Day is Thursday 9 September 2021. It’s our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs. A CONVERSATION CAN CHANGE A LIFE R U OK? inspire and empower everyone to […]


Forest Therapy Walks in Geelong Botanic Gardens

Geelong Botanic Gardens Garden Street, East Geelong, Victoria, Australia

You are invited to a FREE guided "Shinrin Yoku" Forest Therapy walk through the beautiful Geelong Botanic Gardens. What is Forest Therapy? The practice translates literally from Japanese "Shinrin Yoku" as "Forest Bathing" - immersing ourselves in the atmosphere of the forest. "Forest Therapy" is now considered nature's remedy to stress and a pathway to […]


Forest Therapy Walks in Geelong Botanic Gardens

Geelong Botanic Gardens Garden Street, East Geelong, Victoria, Australia

You are invited to a FREE guided "Shinrin Yoku" Forest Therapy walk through the beautiful Geelong Botanic Gardens. What is Forest Therapy? The practice translates literally from Japanese "Shinrin Yoku" as "Forest Bathing" - immersing ourselves in the atmosphere of the forest. "Forest Therapy" is now considered nature's remedy to stress and a pathway to […]